PEAR Statement on Identified Adoptable Children of Haiti and Newly Orphaned Children of Haiti

*Identified Adoptable Children* PEAR understands that some Adoption Authority personnel in Haiti have been killed and records are likely lost. Many children have not only been declared to be adoptable, but in the eyes of the Haiti government are legally the children of foreign parents. We call upon the authorities of US, Canada, France and other countries who have families …

DOS Adoption Alert: Haiti Earthquake and Intercountry Adoption

January 15, 2009 Haiti Earthquake and Intercountry Adoption : Where Final Adoption Decree Or Grant Of Custody has been Issued We have received numerous inquiries from American citizens whose Haitian adoptions had already been completed by the Haitian Government. We understand the deep concern these prospective adoptive parents feel about the welfare of these children, and we are actively working …

US EMbassy Haiti Adoption Unit

Earlier today PEAR wrote to the US Embassy in Haiti requesting information on how prospective adoptive parents could best obtain information concerning the health and safety of the children referred to them for adoption. The following is the response from the US Embassy. It appears to be a form response, but contains useful information for waiting PAPs: “Due to the …

DOS Alert: Haiti – Children Affected By Natural Disasters and Conflict

Haiti January 14, 2010 Children Affected by Natural Disasters and ConflictThe Department of State receives inquiries from American citizens concerned about the plight of children in areas of conflict and in countries afflicted by natural disasters such as the January 12 earthquake in Haiti, hurricanes, and tsunamis. Our office shares this concern for children in devastated areas and we understand …

Updates from Haiti

PEAR has received the following updates on conditions in Haiti (this list is updated frequently as we receive additional information, please check back regularly ): **Reader note: We have alphabetized the list to make it easier to find a particular orphanage. New additions as of Saturday, January 16th will be published in green and dated. Please let us know if …

Haiti Earthquake

We at PEAR would like to express our sympathy and support of the victims of the earthquake this week in Haiti. As news of this tragic event has spread, we have noticed an increase in interest in the adoption of Haitian orphans. PEAR would like to request that potential adoptive parents and adoption agencies refrain from exploring this issue at …

PEAR issues Position on Tuberculosis(TB) Management in International Adoptees

PEAR has issued a Position on Tuberculosis Management in International Adoptees due to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) rollout of TB screening for immigrants that now includes adoptees aged 2 to 14 from the high-TB-prevalence countries of Ethiopia, China and Haiti. This position also addresses a summer petition issued by the Joint Council on International Children’s Services …